首先,很荣幸能够加入 淘宝的 UED 团队 。期间也有很多朋友问我,「UED 是干什么的」、「你竟然不写 PHP ,去写 Javascript 了?」,等等问题 -- 的确不幸的是,作为「传统程序员」的我,之前对于前端开发的理解,都会笼统的认为那是「美工」的事情。
然而这个观点,在我进入这个团队一段时间以后,发生了点改变 -- 目前我一点也不怀疑,前端的工作会比服务器端轻松多少。OK,废话不多说,下面说下我对于 UED 的认识和见解。
UED(User Experience Design),从字面的意思上理解就是「用户体验设计」。在解释这个名词之前,就不得不说到 UE(User Experience,用户体验)方面的概念。
说实话我有点讨厌那些概念性的解释,任何这样类似的知识都可以从网络上找到。 百度百科上对于「用户体验」的解释 ,可以总结归纳为「用户用你的产品感觉怎么样」( 维基百科上解释 更详细,不过需要跳墙访问)。
总而言之,按照我自己的话说,_UED 的使命就是让用户用我们的产品用着爽_ -- 这句话可以分成几个部分,即「用户」、「产品」还有「爽」。「用户」是服务对象,「我们的产品」是产出,而「爽」是目的。
所以,UED 相比传统的开发人员更多了两层额外的因素。第一,就是面对用户;第二,就是面对产品。这就是为什么我感觉前端开发者并不比「传统程序员」要轻松的原因。
从技术角度上理解,前端开发人员当然要熟悉相关的前端开发知识,比如 CSS、Javascript 以及 HTML(是的,没有开玩笑);更「要命」的还要理解一些概念上的知识,比如 Web 标准 等等。
还要可能会和后台开发人员相互沟通合作,这就有可能需要写基本的服务器端的知识,比如 PHP 、甚至 数据库 等等。
而最重要的是,除了技术层面上的东西,还要跨出开发人员这一角色 -- 更多时候是扮演设计师的角色。所以,必须
偷个懒,引自 白鸦老大的 Blog 。
附,文中插图部分引自 淘宝 UED 招聘页面 。
@iVane Hwang 个人愚见,兄弟言重了 :^)
@手气不错 嘿嘿,不是说你啦,说以前的那些人~
Standard Job Title: User Experience Designer(2008.11.19日发布,请注意有效期限)
Team: STBC
Location: Shanghai China
Server and Tools Business (STB) China User Experience team is looking for a talented interaction designer for SQL server product with strong design skills and interest in people’s data analytic needs. The world is already “swimming” in data. You will enable people around the world to electronically access, analyze, and interpret data from repositories worldwide …. including traditional quantitative data (in new ways) as well as text, images, video, and audio. Push the boundaries of the frontier in data visualization and spatial navigation techniques, to bring about the future in the new Data Storage Products Group, supported by database architectures, relational engines, and business intelligence software, plugging into Office and web-enabled user interfaces for typical information workers and business analysts.
The opening is for a user experience designer with strong visual design and prototyping skills, coupled with strategic thinking.
Primary responsibilities include:
• Develop a keen understanding of users’ task-flow needs, engage with methodological rigor in requirements and design methodologies, and create new insights that shape product and information content to best match user needs.
• Work in multiple phases, from deliver highest user needs/strategy, to create clear design goals, mock up design solutions and provide final UI assets.
• Familiarity with user-centered design methodologies and time-in-cycle opportunity assessment is desired, to determine what design methods to use to produce artifacts, including user work-flow models, wire-frames, prototypes, and user interface guidelines, for review and refinement collaboratively with users.
• Bachelor Degree in Design(Interaction Design, Graphic Design, Industrial Design, Information Design), Art, Communications, Human-Computer Interaction, or related fields. Master degree is preferred.
• 5+ years work experience in software user interface design, strong prototyping experience in design software for business productivity or IT administrator audiences is preferred.
• Proficiency in several design methodologies, for example concept sketching, story boarding, 3D modeling, 2D animation, use case modeling.
• Training and experience in using 2 or more design or prototyping tools, for example, Photoshop, Illustrator, Freehand, Adobe (Flash and/or Director), Axialis IconWorkshop, Dreamweaver, GoLive, Sound Forge, 3d Studio Max, Zam3d, Visio, Silverlight, Expression Design and Blend, and HTML/XML.
Mobel:1326 9191 669
Msn:[email protected]
Peter Kou
MinRui Executive Search
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